Contact Us

Non-Emergency Assistance

  • Support by email: To submit a written question to the service center, please send an email to the following address: . Emails are answered in the order that they are received.

  • Support by phone: To speak with someone, please use one of the following numbers:



Hours of operations: Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 Local time (Except during local and U.S. holidays)

Please note that service center agents can only provide information that is included on this website. Agents will not be able to assist visa applicants.

Local numbers

+244 225 000 050

+244 226 425 530

U.S. number

+1 703 543 9333



  • Arrest of a U.S Citizen
  • Death of a U.S. Citizen
  • International Parental Child Abduction
  • Victims of Crime
  • Call the location nearest to you.

    Please note that if your call is not related to an emergency, you will be asked to hang up and call the Non-Emergency service.


+244 222 641 000

Outside of Office Hours

+244 222 641 112

+244 923 640 154